Artificial Grass Lawns

 Artificial Lawns are the best low maintenance solution for a beautiful yard.



Artificial Grass has become so advanced that most people won’t even be able to tell the difference in your front yard, side yard or backyard. Unlike natural grass, you won’t have a die off in the heat of summer or have to endure a seasonal change in color or lushness as it heads towards fall and winter. Artificial lawns remain green and full year after year, regardless of the season.

Additionally, a lawn of artificial grass isn’t susceptible to disease, so there will be no brown patches or clumps of weeds in your new lawn. Synthetic turf is very low maintenance saving you from the need to fend off disease, weeds, and more; which makes it not only a huge time saver but a great way to save money. 

From our broad inventory of synthetic grass featuring many different options, it is easy to find a soft texture for a great backyard artificial grass lawn. That makes it fantastic for outdoor play. Unlike artificial turf of the past, this won’t be hard on children’s sensitive skin. 

Despite looking and feeling like a natural lawn, these artificial options are incredibly durable. They will easily stand up to running kids, all of your pets, and the seasonal weather conditions. 

Most natural lawns will need to be watered, reseeded, weeded, mowed and maintained to some extent weekly. This won’t be an issue with turf. Your artificial lawn will continue to look and feel performing at its best for many, many years to come. 

Why Choose Artificial Grass


  • Comprised of the highest and best grade of components and safety measures throughout the manufacturing process; from tufting, coating, secondary coating, and extrusion
  • Exceptional durability with our backing that allows for breathability and drainage
  • Landscape artificial turf comes with a 15 year manufacturing warranty
  • Custom design build installations
  • Multi-purpose, allowing for a variety of uses for one area depending on your needs
  • Ideally suited to multiple applications – landscape, golf, pet, playground, rooftops, commercial, poolside, and more
  • Helps prevent erosion by protecting the ground beneath and keeping it in place
  • Water preservation as it does not demand watering like traditional sod lawns
  • Aesthetically pleasing with the ultra-realistic look and feel, staying green year round
  • Fully recyclable 
  • Limited vapors to environment with low to no off gassing when newly installed 
  • Less pollution as there is no need for lawn maintenance and the petrol fuel vapors associated with the lawn mowers and other maintenance tools
  • Limits the use of hazardous chemicals as found with weed killers or harsh fertilizers
  • Extremely low maintenance holding up beautifully regardless of the weather, month, or season
  • Long lasting, durable and holding its beautifully manicured look from day one and able to withstand heavy play, foot traffic and use year after year
  • Environmentally friendly

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